Wednesday 16 December 2015

Kicks To Inner Peace!

So at first read this is going to seem like a weird title possibly detailing some extremely hormonal mothers journey to Inner Peace Kung Fu style! Well...the surmise is correct though it's not me doing the kicking! For me, the reality of pregnancy truly and deeply sunk in the day my little one started kicking inside. Being the control freak, obsessive gynaec that I am( as mentioned in an earlier blog!) I waited expectantly at 18 weeks as per the textbook definition to feel early fetal movements called quickening..and lo and behold! My baby didn't let me I like to put it, it danced right on cue. And by 20 weeks my hubby was feeling the kicks too! Or as he says still 'Doing its little disco inside'! The frequency slowly increased to throughout the day and by then those kicks had become my own personal zen moments during the day. In the middle of a hectic schedule to feel the kicks in the middle of a surgery, while counselling a patient or simple during a mad rush to the hospital remind me to slow down and smile and think.."Yes..I feel you." Its as simple as that..this connection that starts growing to unfathomable depths because of something as simple as a kick! And so this is my advice to all moms to be.. No matter how bad a day u r having at work or no matter which end of the mood spectrum ur hormones are throwing you to..take solace in that's ur very own tiny baby guru saying u have something awesome inside you! Happy getting kicked y'all!

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Midnight Mood Swings

This post is named so because that's the exact time frame to when my cravings are limited to..everyday without fail as the clock struck 12 my inner very hungry devil with an extremely discerning palate wakes up to torment the soul resting beside mine a.k.a. my husband. Now myth says that cravings in pregnancy usually consist of extreme tasting foods like pickles,imlis & everything sour and tasty in between. Not me..wanting to break stereotypes everywhere I go I want only ice cream. Or freshly pressed juice. Or that jerk chicken slider burger( with the perfect amount of cheese of course)! And not just any will do mind you! As if dragging him out of bed at midnight after having a hellish day at work with sweet smiles and blaming everything onto the baby wasn't enough he has to get the Belgian dark chocolate flavour that i crave with a compulsory waffle cone..nothing less will do. And so on and so forth..and if the shop doesn't stay open due to its  major flaw in not anticipating my cravings hubby darling gets to hear it till the next craving..or till in a desperate attempt to shut me up he manages to get my food the next day. But that doesn't happen often..(evil smile) Its actually really funny the stuff one can get away with in pregnancy when ordinarily those same situations would have led to a raging battle of the sexes! And I feel pregnancy apart from the obvious joys of impending motherhood should also be credited for testing and strengthening those tenacious bonds of marital relationship. I mean the amount of tantrums and frowny faces I throw at my dearest hubby its a wonder he hasn't booked a trip to the Himalayan meditation centre already!! And so..this post is also a tribute to my awesome,patient,lovable and darling soul mate..thank you for being there always..and being so thick skinned! It should be named the eighth wonder of the world!