Thursday 26 November 2015

Bedroom capers and the lack thereof

Bedroom capers and the lack thereof: this is not about me exploring the finer nuances of my writing via graphic bedroom details about my jaunts in the bedroom..nah nah! What I am instead writing about is the opposite! That I sure as hell wish I could write about those imaginary jaunts! 5 months pregnant and not one..I say not even one bedroom jaunt to talk about! Being a gynaec and a self proclaimed foremost authority on all things pregnancy I have happily counselled couples to go ahead and do it till the to-be-mommy is comfortable. I mean no way would we doctors take away such a basic pleasure away from a couple..we are not sadists..those poor guys are gonna have their lives turned upside down in 9 months! So u can hardly imagine the consternation when my hubby refused point blank to do anything beyond chaste kisses the day our pregnancy test ws positive. I mean what happened to celebratory sex and all that I imagine happy couples do?? Not one to give up every trick in the book was tried to convince him but in vain! As if that wasn't enough, I took him along for my sonogram to reassure him that all was well with the baby. Rest assured, one look at that and I was more untouchable than ever. His explanation? That till the baby is out he doesn't..well u can figure the rest out. While I finally gave up on convincing him I discovered something else. All of my pregnant and newly crowned mommy friends had pretty much the same story to tell. Come hell or high water Adam ain't ever eating that apple till delivery! While we were happy that our hubbys were so considerate caring and contrary to beliefs were much more capable of thinking with the heart and brains above the waist, at the same time from being in a "game on mode" before conception where bedrooms are quite frankly marathon sites for the sperms to catch the egg before it drops..this sudden transition to "game no more" for 9 months is  quite a shock for the marriage to say the least! This experience is limited to me and a couple of close friends.. Hopefully not everyone who reads this has the same story to tell. So feel free to contradict me anytime and even better..regale me with "tales" from the other side of strict doctor patient confidentiality of course!(tongue-firmly-in-cheek!)