Wednesday 13 January 2016

"Girl" no more...

Reminiscing with an old friend over my alma mater revived old memories of my hostel and the times we grew up to be doctors in..including our girls day out movies and of course our favorite songs! A particular old fav with pretty much everyone was "Desi Girl" from dostana. And m sure almost every girl in those times has shaken that booty at least once to this groovy song with its bhangra beats and the ultra hot Ms. PC gyrating to them! Listening to it today made me want to get up and gyrate again till my baby reminded me with nice lil kick that it's not my turn anymore! Which got me thinking about all things bygone more specifically my original hard earned body,the carefree attitude and the will and enthusiasm to get up and party at whim. Life after the baby would change its centre of gravity from me to my lil one and m pretty sure that like all moms my world too would revolve around it. The prospect of impending motherhood and the curtailing of any and all activities careless that could affect my baby still scares me..and m not ashamed to admit that just because I know and understand what's coming my way doesn't make me any less apprehensive about it. Yes..the joys of motherhood shall color my life in its various and glorious hues..but managing to keep vibrant the relationship I share with my hubby forged over so many moments of self discovery and yet welcoming the change that my baby will bring are going to be two different universes that when merged will be a new big bang theory altogether!
In "What to expect the First Year" , (an excellent read and must have for all mums to be) Heidi Murkoff  says that I wont miss my old life or the freedom that it afforded. I hope with all my heart she is right and more than that, that I can give my hubby and my baby the best of me! Here's wishing me all the luck! Last post and last days of this blissful,phenomenal, life-altering enigma called pregnancy! Hope it was a good read!

Sunday 3 January 2016

The Boon & the Bane of It!

So coming straight to the point which most people would can I even mention the word bane in pregnancy? ( not the batman one but its original meaning!) Isn't pregnancy suppose to be gods gift to womankind in all its magical glory of the creation of life etc..? To them i would say try convincing a mom to be in her last 6 weeks of pregnancy with pretty much all of her body appendages swollen or getting there and sweating like a marathon runner! What I am trying to say is that the boons are definitely appreciated by us pregnant-kind but one cannot ignore the sirree! Like I mentioned in my last post there ain't a greater experience than feeling ur baby grow inside you but at the same time what I didn't mention was that I was on bed rest at the same time for 3 whole days. And that means being absolutely adherant to it without my usual round of extra curricular activities which I never really stopped in pregnancy. Not that I was complaining too much. I mean baby and health come first right? So the first day i happily lazed around enjoying the self imposed holiday. Come the second day and it was slightly more difficult to figure out activities to do lying down..I mean how many crappy rom coms and TV can one watch? I did 2 movies and half a I started reading..but by that time my lower back,a most sensitive area in pregnancy was getting painful. Going for a walk ws out of the question so I stuck to pacing around the house. Wait..did I mention that was the hottest October weekend recorded in history? In short, by the time the third bed rest day arrived I was hot, irritated, flustered and in no better shape than when I started my "bed rest"! That innocuous little line I write at the end of my prescriptions to so many patients now took on a whole new meaning with a new sense of empathy and sympathy! Hats off to the moms who are on bed rest for weeks and sometimes months for their lil angels! That after labour has to be the toughest thing we go through for them! Necessary as it is, easy it definitely isnt! As for me..since my share of bed rest was self prescribed I bounded out the 4th day and happily all is well! Ciao till the next epiphany!