Tuesday 20 October 2015

This body is not mine!

This body is not mine!
20 weeks in and finally settling into my pregnancy. Even getting a baby bump and trying as much as possible to flaunt it! Although my hubby says it just looks like I ve eaten too much for a fatty! Which brings me to my woes...what is happening to my body?? Now this question is obviously one that answers itself but being brought up on a steady diet of hot pregger moms with fab bodies and cute bumps that the internet n tabloids throw at us I had automatically assumed that I would be at least a couple of rungs lower down that ladder since i had an extensive pre pregnancy fitness routine comprising yoga gym and healthy eating. So imagine the shock when the boobs just keep getting bigger, my Kurtis keep getting tighter and the bump is not so much of a bump but more of a general fatty area! Have not had a paunch since after school( so proud!) so I  kept imagining my baby bump to come out as a graceful protuberance which was not hidden under layers of fat:/  Although m sure every single patient of mine who would have cribbed abt all of the above  would have been reassured by me reminding her of the wonderful gift at the end of the road secretly I envy those people who actually grow only around their tummies unlike my general fat absorption phenomenon. And m sure this must be a grouse pretty much with everybody who value their fit bodies achieved with daily kick ass workouts and regimes. Not like i dont try mild exercise and yoga but in the end nobody wants a pregnancy complicated by excessive stress.So now I have a new companion along the road down..my body who every day never fails to surprise me by sprouting out in directions I tght I had long lost down the years. What remains to be seen is how far we go! Cheers to all the calorie laden delights awaiting us!

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